Hold onto your hats, it's going to be a bumpy ride! Thank you for stopping by and joining me for a while. I've recently been juggling (as all mums do) more balls than I am comfy with, and just when I felt like a professional juggler - BAM!! I get hit with this - BREAST CANCER!! I'm hoping that writing this blog will serve as some sort of therapy for me, to get me through this 'rough patch' ahead.... if it's interesting, entertaining, thought provoking or helpful to anyone else out there then that's an added bonus. If you like what you read, please visit again or click the "join" button below, and feel free to spread the word.

Saturday, 31 March 2012

Wiggle your toes....

Wiggle your toes next time the needle goes in. That's my top tip for coping with any future injections or blood tests you have to endure. I am becoming an expert at this game. Sorry but this post will be brief as I just typed a long one and then promptly lost it all! Grrrrrrr! Very annoying.So this morning I successfully injected myself with GCSF, a drug to boost production of my white blood cells. I felt a huge sense of pride that I DID IT! No fuss. No tears. I've got to do the same again, 4 more days in a row and then that's it, for this chemo cycle anyway. Possible side affects include bone ache, cos my bone marrow will be working over time. I'll take bone ache over 3 nights in hospital any time, thanks!!!SO, SCHOOLS OUT FOR EASTER!!! Whoop whoop us mums did cry yesterday...when the sun was shining. Today I would think, like me, the jubilation has died down as the bickering (amongst the kids) has begun. It would really help if the sun was shining again, but typically the weather is letting us down. My 2 little darlings have been snapping at each other ever since they got in my bed at 7.30 this morning. She's done painting, he's played on his DS, they've played on the Wii nicely, but briefly together. Now it's time for Lego. Lego is the best and does keep them happy for quite a while.I am lucky enough though to have a very keen Mum, who relishes being a grandparent, and she is taking my 2 off my hands for 2 whole nights next week! Thats's my mum and her amazing man, aka Grandad Chris. Everyone should have one! But I feel rather strange about farming them out when I don't have to be at work. What on earth will I do with myself!? Apart from having a Heart Scan at 3pm on Wednesday I have nothing planned. Sigh! ;). I can here your wistfuls sighs from here. Xx

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