Hold onto your hats, it's going to be a bumpy ride! Thank you for stopping by and joining me for a while. I've recently been juggling (as all mums do) more balls than I am comfy with, and just when I felt like a professional juggler - BAM!! I get hit with this - BREAST CANCER!! I'm hoping that writing this blog will serve as some sort of therapy for me, to get me through this 'rough patch' ahead.... if it's interesting, entertaining, thought provoking or helpful to anyone else out there then that's an added bonus. If you like what you read, please visit again or click the "join" button below, and feel free to spread the word.
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Wiggle your toes....
Wiggle your toes next time the needle goes in. That's my top tip for coping with any future injections or blood tests you have to endure. I am becoming an expert at this game. Sorry but this post will be brief as I just typed a long one and then promptly lost it all! Grrrrrrr! Very annoying.So this morning I successfully injected myself with GCSF, a drug to boost production of my white blood cells. I felt a huge sense of pride that I DID IT! No fuss. No tears. I've got to do the same again, 4 more days in a row and then that's it, for this chemo cycle anyway. Possible side affects include bone ache, cos my bone marrow will be working over time. I'll take bone ache over 3 nights in hospital any time, thanks!!!SO, SCHOOLS OUT FOR EASTER!!! Whoop whoop us mums did cry yesterday...when the sun was shining. Today I would think, like me, the jubilation has died down as the bickering (amongst the kids) has begun. It would really help if the sun was shining again, but typically the weather is letting us down. My 2 little darlings have been snapping at each other ever since they got in my bed at 7.30 this morning. She's done painting, he's played on his DS, they've played on the Wii nicely, but briefly together. Now it's time for Lego. Lego is the best and does keep them happy for quite a while.I am lucky enough though to have a very keen Mum, who relishes being a grandparent, and she is taking my 2 off my hands for 2 whole nights next week! Thats's my mum and her amazing man, aka Grandad Chris. Everyone should have one! But I feel rather strange about farming them out when I don't have to be at work. What on earth will I do with myself!? Apart from having a Heart Scan at 3pm on Wednesday I have nothing planned. Sigh! ;). I can here your wistfuls sighs from here. Xx
Friday, 30 March 2012
Hair today gone tomorrow....
The last 3-4 days my hair has been shedding a fair bit. I had been hopefully thinking it
would slow down or stop, but it’s the not knowing that has finally got to me. Plus, this morning on the way to
the hospital I had a bad headache and I just could not bear the thought of
sitting with the cold cap on for 4 hours!! Wondering and waiting to see if I will lose all my
hair has been causing me considerable stress and worry, and it has been falling
out bit by bit anyway, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. Enough wondering and worrying, I
declined the cold cap at chemo today and it was such a relief!!! My DH has a set of clippers he
uses regularly on his own head, so very shortly he will be shaving my head! And
maybe we can even get the kids to help!
They are naturally quite worried about having a baldy for a mum, so
hopefully if they can see it happening or even help it will be less of a shock
for them.
Now that I have decided what to do and am taking action, at
the moment at least, I feel good about it. Once its done I am sure I will shed a few tears and it
will take a while to get used to the chilly feeling! My DH will obviously have to get his head around
it too! As he rightly said
“I look at you more than you do!”
Hours later………
The deed is done! My DH has shaved my head to a number 4. He had to be brave too. So I now look like I am joining the
army, or like I’m ready to join the Gay Pride March (sorry I’m not usually
one for stereotyping people but in this case, it’s true – see pic!)
So I was very brave going out on the school run for the
first time wearing Honey – she is a honey blond bob, a little too ‘big’ for
my liking but not bad. My
lovely mates at the school playground were very supportive. Honey is rather itchy though,
especially at the back of my neck.
I’m much happier with a head scarf or hat on, but then my appearance
does tend to scream “cancer patient” rather loudly! – it’s much easier to blend
in with a wig on although I feel more self conscious.
My kids have been a bit unsettled by my dramatic change of
appearance. They didn’t get off to
sleep til nearly 9.45 p.m last night! But that could be Easter excitement
too. They definitely prefer it
when I cover my head up, though my son (age 7) is rather embarrassed by it all,
bless him. It will take them
time to adjust.
GCSF injections,
hair loss,
The Olive Tree,
Friday, 23 March 2012
Home time!!
After one night in A&E I was moved to a ward but in a side room. I had to keep visitors to minimum and as there's so many colds around at the mo, each of them had to wear a face mask when in the room with me. It's been very isolating and sometimes scary, but thanks to the antibiotics and other drugs they have been pumping into me, I'm all better now and ready to go home!!! Whoop whoop!! 3 nights in hospital is plenty thanks.
I am SO sick of needles. Today I had one stuck in my left boob to drain off some fluid built up since my op, that didn't bother me cos that boob is actually numb now!! Then a needle stuck in my armpit 3 times so drain off fluid from there - which I didn't even know was there til this morning! On the ultra sound scan any fluid shows up as black masses but when the doc tried to drain the fluid off (2 times) nothing would come. So for about 2 heart stopping minutes I thought that big black mass was another tumour!!! But then he gave it one last try and thank god, liquid started to flow into the syringe! Haaaaaaa ... And breath.
So my White blood cells are very high now as they've been given a boost, my 'obs' are normal and roll on 5.30pm when the Hubster is coming to get me!!
I must say I have been really happy with the level of care and treatment I've had. The NHS is doing a great job and we should really be grateful for it. I am very bad at keeping up with the news but I know that it's all about to change and the Government are going to wreck it all. We should all care and do what we can to save the NHS!! I never dreamed I would find myself where I am today but there you go, we are all vulnerable to illness and disease and the NHS is one the best medical services in the world! If you want to find out more about joining the fight to save the NHS then visit the 38 degrees website.
I'll get off my soap box now.
I could have a whinge about the hospital food, but I am sure they do their best on a very small budget!! Here's some pics of the delights you can look forward to - let it be motivation for you to do all you can to keep fit and healthy!!!
My friends and family have been complimenting my hospital diet with homemade veg soup, healthy snacks and scrummy treats so don't take pity on me too much!
Lastly just to update you on the chemo hair situation - my head hair is thinning a wee bit but I'm confident the cold cap was a success. Eyelashes and eyebrows are still in tact. Thursday 29th is chemo no 2 so we shall see how my body deals with that! My oncologist can give me more drugs to avoid a repeat of this weeks drama.
So, watch this space... And thanks for reading!! Xxxx
I am SO sick of needles. Today I had one stuck in my left boob to drain off some fluid built up since my op, that didn't bother me cos that boob is actually numb now!! Then a needle stuck in my armpit 3 times so drain off fluid from there - which I didn't even know was there til this morning! On the ultra sound scan any fluid shows up as black masses but when the doc tried to drain the fluid off (2 times) nothing would come. So for about 2 heart stopping minutes I thought that big black mass was another tumour!!! But then he gave it one last try and thank god, liquid started to flow into the syringe! Haaaaaaa ... And breath.
So my White blood cells are very high now as they've been given a boost, my 'obs' are normal and roll on 5.30pm when the Hubster is coming to get me!!
I must say I have been really happy with the level of care and treatment I've had. The NHS is doing a great job and we should really be grateful for it. I am very bad at keeping up with the news but I know that it's all about to change and the Government are going to wreck it all. We should all care and do what we can to save the NHS!! I never dreamed I would find myself where I am today but there you go, we are all vulnerable to illness and disease and the NHS is one the best medical services in the world! If you want to find out more about joining the fight to save the NHS then visit the 38 degrees website.
I'll get off my soap box now.
I could have a whinge about the hospital food, but I am sure they do their best on a very small budget!! Here's some pics of the delights you can look forward to - let it be motivation for you to do all you can to keep fit and healthy!!!
My friends and family have been complimenting my hospital diet with homemade veg soup, healthy snacks and scrummy treats so don't take pity on me too much!
Lastly just to update you on the chemo hair situation - my head hair is thinning a wee bit but I'm confident the cold cap was a success. Eyelashes and eyebrows are still in tact. Thursday 29th is chemo no 2 so we shall see how my body deals with that! My oncologist can give me more drugs to avoid a repeat of this weeks drama.
So, watch this space... And thanks for reading!! Xxxx
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
My adventures in A&E
Well life took a rather dramatic turn yesterday! Monday night I had a really bad headache, was a good girl and took my temp before taking some paracetomol, went to bed and felt ok. Then Tuesday after the school run I had a headache again and started to feel cold and shivery. When I commenced my chemo they gave me a special "fast pass" which I should use at A&E if I was feeling unwell. So I rang my hospital where I'm having the chemo and they told me to go to A&E without delay and use my Fast Pass. Sounds like something you get at Disney World. Well this has been rollercoaster ride, without the fun!!
I rushed through A&E which made me feel important but had to wait a while. It's the first time I've been. It's another world. Doctors and nurses, porters and ambulance men all rushing about, busy busy. You HAVE to ring your bell to get their attention! They put a canular in my arm and took my blood, rushed it off for testing. They were looking to see if I was Neutropenic, which I realise now, I am. This means my neutrophil count is zero, as is my White blood cell count - meaning my body has no way to fight infection. This is a result of the chemo dose I had 13 days ago now. Apparently the Oncologist might be able to change my dose a bit to avoid this happening again. In the meantime I am stuck here! For 3 days. Possibly more I have just been told!!
I have spent the night in A&E. Luckily (every cloud...) cos of my condition and have shut away in a side room to minimise the risk of further infection. This is far more preferable to being 'out there'. Out there is constant noise, machines beeping, nurses talking, patients moaning and groaning. One poor person keeps having fits and makes a scary moaning sound throughout. Another lady of 95 was calling out yesterday, constantly "pleease help me!". The nurses were helping her but there is little they could do to calm her down it seemed.
At 4am today another lady was screaming "don't go, don't go" over and over. A&E is a scary place! I do feel somewhat protected though behind my door. I've even got an en-suite shower room!! Apparently, when a side room becomes available on a ward, they will move me. So, to help me get better they are giving me intravenous anti-biotics and an injection to raise my blood count.
Being told you are neutropenic is really rather scary. I'll let you google it. But I'm in the right place and the drugs appear to be helping - my temp is not as high now (39 when I was admitted).
I'm still not sure if I actually have an infection. They are going to investigate the wound where I had my lumpectomy. So watch this space for more news as I've done this blog with the mobile app. I seriously would be lost without my iPhone!!!
I attach some pics of the culinary delights they have here :)
I rushed through A&E which made me feel important but had to wait a while. It's the first time I've been. It's another world. Doctors and nurses, porters and ambulance men all rushing about, busy busy. You HAVE to ring your bell to get their attention! They put a canular in my arm and took my blood, rushed it off for testing. They were looking to see if I was Neutropenic, which I realise now, I am. This means my neutrophil count is zero, as is my White blood cell count - meaning my body has no way to fight infection. This is a result of the chemo dose I had 13 days ago now. Apparently the Oncologist might be able to change my dose a bit to avoid this happening again. In the meantime I am stuck here! For 3 days. Possibly more I have just been told!!
I have spent the night in A&E. Luckily (every cloud...) cos of my condition and have shut away in a side room to minimise the risk of further infection. This is far more preferable to being 'out there'. Out there is constant noise, machines beeping, nurses talking, patients moaning and groaning. One poor person keeps having fits and makes a scary moaning sound throughout. Another lady of 95 was calling out yesterday, constantly "pleease help me!". The nurses were helping her but there is little they could do to calm her down it seemed.
At 4am today another lady was screaming "don't go, don't go" over and over. A&E is a scary place! I do feel somewhat protected though behind my door. I've even got an en-suite shower room!! Apparently, when a side room becomes available on a ward, they will move me. So, to help me get better they are giving me intravenous anti-biotics and an injection to raise my blood count.
Being told you are neutropenic is really rather scary. I'll let you google it. But I'm in the right place and the drugs appear to be helping - my temp is not as high now (39 when I was admitted).
I'm still not sure if I actually have an infection. They are going to investigate the wound where I had my lumpectomy. So watch this space for more news as I've done this blog with the mobile app. I seriously would be lost without my iPhone!!!
I attach some pics of the culinary delights they have here :)
Friday, 9 March 2012
Chemo - It's a Rollercoaster ride!
It’s now 3 days since my first chemo session. Looking back on it I’m thinking it
wasn’t that bad. The actual
administering of the drugs by intravenous injection took about 30 minutes with
the nurse slowly pushing in the plunger on each syringe to allow the drugs to
mix in with the saline solution being fed into my veins. The drugs had been kept in
the fridge and some were coloured red.
This definitely looked and felt like poison being pumped into me
especially as I could feel the cold creep of it spread up my arm. Not very nice, but essential nonetheless. The veins in my wrist started to
ache and hurt a bit so the nurse laid a heat pad over my wrist which really
eased this discomfort.
I pretty much felt like I had my head in a freezing cold
vice, the strap cutting into my chin underneath. I new it needed to be tight though. My eyes started to stream and a few
tears rolled down my cheeks.
Deep breaths were needed. A
dear friend of mine had reminded me of the power of positive thinking and
visualization. I tried my
best to think of warm summer breezes and a happy picnic scene, ripe juicy
fruit, fat buzzing bumble bees, the kiddies laughing with all my troubles
behind me. It did help, but not
I'm visiting the hairdresser on Tuesday, so watch this space for news of my new do!! It needs to go a bit shorter so that its easier to wash and care for - no hairdryers and minimal styling products allowed. Should I take the plunge and buy a wig, or just hope for the best?!
cold cap,
Race for Life,
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Keeping a cool head
Breast Care Nurse,
cold cap,
hair loss,
Neal's Yard Remedies,
Paxman scalp cooling
Friday, 2 March 2012
Fecking Chemo!!!
Yesterday I went to see the Oncologist (cancer specialist)
to hear what he had planned for me next.
He was a very nice bloke, explained everything clearly and didn’t was
keen to answer any questions I had, he saw my list! The lump in my breast was found to be Grade 3, which
means the cells look very different from breast tissue and can spread quickly,
it also tested negative for hormone receptors (which means it will not respond
at all to hormone therapy treatment) and negative for the protein called HER2
(which means it won’t respond to the treatment called Herceptin), SO
chemotherapy is the best treatment for me, giving me the best odds on the
cancer never returning to any part of my body. After the chemo I will also have radiotherapy, which
focuses on preventing the cancer regrowing in the localized area i.e. my left
boob. Surely with these two things
combined, I’ve got very good odds on being breast cancer free for the rest of
my life – but only time will tell on that one.
I feel so lucky to still have two boobs of my own! Many
women suffer a mastectomy followed by breast reconstruction, which is all so
invasive with an even longer road to recovery and feeling normal again. So in the coming weeks I will remind
myself constantly of how lucky I have been.
The chemotherapy treatment lasts for 18 weeks. I’ll have one treatment then 3 weeks
off, for 6 cycles, taking 18 weeks in total. The name of my treatment is called FEC-T. These initials stand for the individual
drugs being used. I am
a fan of Father Ted and Mrs Browns’ Boys so when I heard this name the words
“Ahh Feck It” kept popping into my head!
Strange how you think
when you’re being bombarded with important, yet depressing information. Depressing because the Oncologist spent
most of our time with him talking about the possible side effects of these
drugs. There are a lot of
them! I’ll list just a few to give
you an idea, but hopefully not fill you with too much horror:
Fatigue; infection; nausea; weight gain and of course, HAIR
As chemo reduces the production of white blood cells that
fight infection, I have to take it very seriously if I feel at all ill. Any headaches, coughs, sore throats,
shivers must be reported immediately to the doctor, I’ve even been given this
special “Fast Pass” which entitles me to jump the queue at A&E if any of
these symptoms come out at night time!
I found all this very alarming! OMG do I really have to put myself at risk like this?!
I don’t have a choice really do I?
Maybe I do … the Oncologist also spoke about beating cancer
and changing your lifestyle to prevent it recurring – he said the single most
important thing you can do to help yourself is EXERCISE regularly. He said there is proper research
to prove this and in fact it is “almost as effective as having
Chemotherapy”!! Now, if I
was capable of being persistent and single minded in the pursuit of fitness; if
I thought I could be addicted to exercise then I probably would say “stuff your
chemotherapy then”. But I am not
like that. I do enjoy
exercise, but am blessed with “slim genes” (slim not skinny) so have never
really given it my all and stuck with it, consistently. Of course, from now on I will
have to change my attitude and get my arse in gear! But I am not willing to take the chance and put all that
responsibility on my own shoulders – so, Fecking Chemo it is then!
But I would say this to you, if you don’t already exercise
on a regular basis, making it part of your life, then you should – you
MUST! I am not guaranteeing that if you do you won’t get
cancer, but you will be doing what you can to protect yourself.
I will post again next week about how I’m hoping to stop my
hair from falling out! It’s the
only side effect I have any control over, so will do what I can.
For now though, I want to put all this to the back of my
mind as much as possible (I couldn’t sleep last night) and enjoy this
weekend. Thanks to some
wonderful friends and family, I’ve got cocktails, Chinese food and laughs to
look forward to and a family roast on Sunday. You see – I am a very lucky ‘girl’! xx
Thursday, 1 March 2012
What is a Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy?
I am currently in limbo land. I’ve pretty much recovered from my surgery and am now
awaiting my next treatment, which is chemotherapy. So to keep me busy I thought I’d write about my experience
of the Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy. It may be helpful to anyone else about to
undergo the same thing. The
sentinel lymph node is in your armpit, it is the first lymph node in the chain
of nodes which drain lymph fluid from the breast. It is part of your immune
system, and its purpose is to drain away any bad stuff. I’m not entirely where the bad stuff
ends up but I guess the body gets ride of it somehow. Very clever!
So, in order to check whether the breast cancer had spread
to any others parts of my body, the first port of call is the Sentinel Lymph
Node. They need to remove it, then
test it. But first they need
to find it! And they do this by using radioactive fluid and a massive scanning
machine. I had to attend the
Nuclear Medicine Department at my local hospital. DH came with me; he is my driver and rock of support. On the drive up there we were quite
jovial making jokes about me going radioactive and wondering if I will turn
into the Incredible Hulk. On
arrival at the Nuclear Medicine Department I was greeted by a man who did
actually look like a mad science professor, which was rather disconcerting! He handed me a shopping basket
containing 2 hospital gowns and took me to a cubicle, just like a changing room
at the swimming pool, where he instructed me to remove everything to the waste
and then put on both gowns, the second one back to front to ensure I was
completely covered. Then I should return to the waiting room. At this point I was rather worried that
the mad professor would be the one carrying out the procedure. There was no way he was coming
near my boobs!! I let out a
massive sigh of relief when a nice young nurse called me in. I laid on a chair/bed
thingy (like being at the dentist) and exposed my left breast (I’m getting used
to this now). The nurse was
very professional yet warm and friendly. She explained exactly what she was going to do, which
was inject my nipple 4 times around its edge with radioactive fluid. Before starting the injections
she warned me it may sting a bit and I’ll feel ‘pressure’ as she is injecting
fluid into a place where there is no space for it! They use very fine needles to minimize any discomfort, but
it did smart a fair bit, especially on the last one. As soon as the injections were done she told me
to massage my boob with my whole hand, round and round. This took the pain away and encourages
the flow of the fluid from the breast up to the Sentinel Node. That was it, all done, for now. I was told to go away for 3
hours and come back to have x-rays taken.
As the hospital is 30 minutes drive from home, we decided to spend this
time exploring a more local small town and we had a lovely lunch in an Italian
restaurant. It was Valentine’s
day, so I felt pleased that at least we had managed to have a meal out together
and raise a glass to Us, despite all the drama of recent events.
Once the 3 hours were up I returned to the Nuclear Medicine
Department, waited for about 5 minutes before called through, obviously I had
to half undress again and wear the now familiar hospital gown. The same nurse showed me into a large
room which had what looked like a giant polo at one end with a narrow bed,
almost like a conveyor belt, running into its centre. I had to lie down on the bed and then at the flick of
a switch the bed moved down towards to the centre of the ‘polo’. Attached to the front of
the polo is a large box which comes down over your chest, really close to your
body and stops about a centimeter away from your chin. This is the ‘camera’ part. The machine is actually some kind
of Gamma x-ray machine which was donated to this hospital by the ‘Friends of ’
said hospital, a charity – makes you wonder if it would be there at all,
without people giving to charity.
Anyway, so I then
needed to lie still which 4 pictures were taken, each taking about 5 minutes
each. It was all painless and I
actually really enjoyed the lie down.
The Corrs were playing softly in the background! The nurse marked on me where the sentinel
node could be found, according to the pictures – X marks the spot. She also showed me on her computer, the
node was a bright light of radioactivity shining out from the screen. So these pictures along with the X
marked near my armpit are what the surgeon used the following day to locate the
all important Sentinel lymph node.
I then went home and started stuffing myself silly with
goodies, as from midnight I was on nil by mouth ready for my operation the next
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