Hold onto your hats, it's going to be a bumpy ride! Thank you for stopping by and joining me for a while. I've recently been juggling (as all mums do) more balls than I am comfy with, and just when I felt like a professional juggler - BAM!! I get hit with this - BREAST CANCER!! I'm hoping that writing this blog will serve as some sort of therapy for me, to get me through this 'rough patch' ahead.... if it's interesting, entertaining, thought provoking or helpful to anyone else out there then that's an added bonus. If you like what you read, please visit again or click the "join" button below, and feel free to spread the word.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Race for Life 2013

It was an emotional and fulfilling day today.   I took part in my local Race for Life, and ran 5k/3 miles to raise money for Cancer Research UK.    I did the Race for Life last year, half way through my chemo treatment.   I walked round the course, supported by my wonderful friends and it took me about 1 hour.   Today I ran it!  The whole thing.   It took me 38 mins.   You can read about last year's race here.   Cancer has changed my life in so many ways, for the better.    I am now fitter than I have ever been before, I have never been “a runner”, always shying away from it saying I hated that gasping for breath, burning in your lungs feeling.   But since January I have been in training.   Last year’s Race for Life and my Chemo Consultant telling me to exercise more, was all the incentive I needed to put my running shoes on and get out there.   With the help of this really useful App, C25K, I have slowly built up my ability to run and now I’m doing it!  Without the gasping for breath, burning feeling in my lungs!!!

That's me no 498, with my fab friend and training buddy Mrs M.
My daughter also took part in the Race today.  She is 6 and she walked the route with her best buddies and their mums.   I am so proud of her.  The sad thing is though, I think she understands what’s going on with cancer – I mean that it’s a nasty illness that can take peoples lives.   I never really wanted her to know that, but with all the publicity for Race for Life and Macmillan on the radio and seeing all the messages on peoples backs today, she’s a bright girlie, I think she gets it.   I just hope she won’t start living in fear, like I am – at times.  

I've found that since I started training to run, I've inspired others to do so too.   A close friend of mine, who was "allergic" to exercise now runs with me once or twice a week, my sister-in-law who works full time and has 2 young children AND a teenager to look after, has found time to train and has been running at 6 a.m before work a couple of times a week.  I LOVE that me having had cancer has had this knock on effect, more people I know are taking their health more seriously and putting their fitness higher up the list.

Watching all those groups of women, mothers and daughters, friends, of all ages crossing the finish line today was such an emotional and powerful experience.  It brings it home to me, that my fight is there fight.  I’m not in it alone.   1 in 8 women will be affected by breast cancer in their life time.  I really hope the work that Cancer Research are doing can improve those odds.

I was very proud of my family today, my two gorgeous Sisters-in-Law who ran the route too, my daughter and our boys/men for being their to support us.

To all my Team – Fab n Fighting Fit, you are all amazing and I really appreciate you joining me and the other thousands of pink t-shirts today.  I’m proud of myself for what I did today and so should you be!
Half of Team Fab n Fighting Fit - having trouble getting hold of pic of full team, but will post when I do!


  1. Fantastic post and a fantastic achievement everyone is so proud of you! I agree its made people take health and fitness seriously not to get into clothes but just to look after your body xx

    1. why thank you! hope your fitness regime is going well. I'll stop by your blog later. xx

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Go you! I saw you cross the finish line. Doing us proud!

  4. Breast cancer is one of dangerous disease among the women.Your information is really helpful for the all women.Thank you for giving such a valuable information.
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